VET Results are out!

Attention Year 9s, 10s and 11s VET students: Kindly check your ilearn mailbox. VET results were sent via email. Next week you will receive them by post…

Dear parents/guardians,

Għeżież ġenituri/kustodji,

Kindly find enclosed last scholastic year’s vocational or applied subject/s* Unit results. The given result is a PASS or SYNOPTIC, as marks obtained from the given assessment were revised and pro-rated by MATSEC. 

Memhuż ma’ din iċ-ċirkulari għandek issib ir-riżultat tas-sena l-oħra tal-Unit tas-suġġett vokazzjonali jew applikat* li t-tifel/tifla kien/et qiegħed/a j/tistudja fis-sena skolastika li għaddiet. Ir-riżultat juri jekk lis-student kisibx PASS jew SYNOPTIC, hekk kif il-marka mill-assessjar ta’ matul is-sena ġiet riveduta u maħduma pro-rata mill-MATSEC.

Kindly take note that results were issued based on the MATSEC SEC/SEAC Vocational Policy documents. A copy of these policies was provided in Year 9, as the SEC/SEAC Vocational Students’ School Handbook, or can be accessible on:

Dawn ir-riżultati huma ibbażati fuq ir-regoli tal-MATSEC SEC/SEAC Vocational Policy documents. Kopja ta’ dawn ir-regoli ingħataw lill-istudent/a fid-disgħa sena bħala s-SEC/SEAC Vocational Students’ School Handbook, kif ukoll huma aċċessibbli fuq

Those students who did not pass the Unit and got a synoptic are encouraged to register for their synoptic assessment, with MATSEC between Thursday 7th and Friday 8th October 2021.

Dawk lis-studenti li ma ġabux pass u għandhom synoptic huma mħeġġa li jirreġistraw għas-synoptic assessment, mal-MATSEC bejn il-Ħamis 7 t’Ottubru u l-Ġimgħa 8 t’Ottubru 2021.

Kindly sign this circular and resend it with the student at the beginning of the upcoming scholastic year. The student should give this signed circular to his/her current vocational/applied subject teacher.

Din iċ-ċirkulari għandha tiġi iffirmata minn ġenitur jew kustodju u tingħata lill-għalliem/a tas-suġġett vokazzjonali jew applikat li j/tkun qiegħed/a tgħallem lill-istudent/a f’dik is-sena skolastika.

In case of any difficulties, you can either contact the school personnel or the MATSEC Support Unit.

F’kas ta’ xi diffikultà tista’ tikkuntattja l-iskola jew tirrikorri l-MATSEC Support Unit.


Adrian Galea                                       
Head of School/Is-Surmast tal-Iskola  


Student’s Identity Card Number/Numru tal-Karta tal-Identita’ tal-istudentSample
Result/Riżultat Sample
Parent’s/Guardian’s Name and Surname Isem u kunjom tal-ġenitur/kustodju 
Parent/Guardian Signature Firma tal-ġenitur/kustodju 

* Vocational and applied subjects offered at this school are: Information Technology; Engineering Technology; Hospitality; Health and Social Care; Retail and Media Literacy Education.* Is-suġġetti vokazzjonali u applikati offruti f’din l-iskola huma: Information Technology; Engineering Technology; Hospitality; Health and Social Care; Retail u Media Literacy Education.