School Transport Applications 2021-2022

Dear students and parents/guardians,

Kindly be informed that the State Schools application process for Free School Transport for the scholastic year 2021/2022 shall start as from next Monday 10th May 2021.

As of next Monday, parents/legal guardians that already have a current approved school transport application shall start receiving an email for the renewal, modification or cancellation of the application for next scholastic year.

On Wednesday 12th May 2021 the applications for new registrations shall be opened. A circular will be distributed to all students. The circular will include a step by step guide for the parent/legal guardian for both the renewal/modification/cancellation and new application processes.

Free State School Transport Application 2021-2022

Applikazzjonijiet għat-Trasport bla ħlas għall-Iskejjel tal-Istat 2021/2022

Thank you for your continuous cooperation.

Should you have any queries please contact us on 2598 1888 or by email on [email protected]

Kind regards

School Transport Section