Letter to Parents/Guardians: Aug-Sept 2021

Note: You will receive this communication via MySchool and you will also receive it by post.

ENGLISH Version:

Dear Parents / Guardians,

Whilst hoping this letter finds you in the best of health, please take note of the following provisions.

Collection of Textbooks

As per our yearly procedure, the teacher librarians have prepared the set of textbooks needed by all students to be collected from school before the commencement of the new scholastic year. 

You are kindly asked to use the entrance by the Sports Complex and wear a face mask when on-premises.

These textbooks will be distributed from the school library as per schedule below:

  • Year 9 (Surname A – N)          16th September                     08:30 – 12:00
  • Year 9 (Surname O – Z)           20th September                     08:30 – 12:00
  • Year 10 *                                 14th September                     08:30 – 12:00
  • Year 11                                    13th September                     08:30 – 12:00

(* The majority of Year 10 students have already collected their books. Therefore, on the 14th of September, Year 10 students need only bring the money. The school library will be closed on this day. During the first week of school, we will then distribute the last sets of books to the remaining Year 10 students).

Collection of Money

Money will be collected by the entrance of the school canteen on the same day.  Such payment will cover all expenses incurred including photocopies, school diary and school magazine.  New entrants are asked to pay an additional €9 for locker use.  It is of utmost importance that you prepare the exact amount in a transparent plastic bag in advance.

Breakdown of Collected Money
Year 9Year 10Year 11
for 3 years
Did not use lockers (€3) in 20-21
Pending €6
Did not use lockers (€3) in 20-21
Pending €3**
School Diary€5€5€5
Annual Magazine€5Annual Magazine (€5) was not published in 20-21
€5 for 21-22
Annual Magazine (€5) was not published in 20-21
€5 for 21-22
Total€44€35 – €8 = €27€35 – €8 = €27

**€3 to be used for printing of end of year photos

Data collection and ONLINE meetings

Year 9 students and New Entrants

You are asked to hand in the forms attached, duly filled in, on the same day that you collect your textbooks.  These forms will also be collected by our clerical staff by the entrance of the school canteen.  Please ensure that all details are filled in correctly, for you to have regular access to important information that the school administration will be sending from time to time.

Year 10 and Year 11 – Updated Contact Details

You have already received an email/announcement on MySchool, where you were instructed to send your updated contact details. To do so, kindly click on the link below.


Online Meetings

Due to COVID19 restrictions, our yearly introductory meetings will be organised online and have been scheduled on these dates.

Year 9 Online Meeting                                    22nd September                     17:30 – 18:30

Year 10 and 11 Online Meeting                     23rd September                     17:30 – 18:30

These meetings will be held on MS Teams. It is therefore very important that in the next few days, you join the Parents/Guardians team, using your personal email address or your child’s iLearn address, through this link.


We also suggest that you access the school website and join our social media pages to keep abreast with all the school events and initiatives.

School Website:          https://kulleggsanbenedittuss.com/

Facebook:                   https://www.facebook.com/groups/benedittusocial

Instagram:                  https://www.instagram.com/benedittu_sec/

Twitter:                       https://twitter.com/benedittu

Youtube:                     https://www.youtube.com/c/KulleggSanBenedittuSkolaSekondarjaKirkop

Whilst thanking you for your support and cooperation, we look forward to working with you and our newly enrolled students.  Should you need to speak directly to me, I kindly ask you to call at school to fix an appointment.


Mr A. Galea
Head of School

Verżjoni bil-Malti

Għeżież Ġenituri/Kustodji,

Filwaqt li nisperaw li tinsabu tajba, ħassejna l-ħtieġa li nagħmlu kuntatt magħkom b’informazzjoni neċessarja qabel nibdew sena skolastika ġdida.


Bħalma jsir ta’ kull sena, il-librara ppreparaw il-kotba li l-istudenti għandhom bżonn fis-sena skolastika li ġejja biex intom tkunu tistgħu tiġbruhom u jkunu għand uliedkom qabel ma nibdew f’Settembru. 

Dakinhar mitluba li tidħlu min-naħa tal-Sports Complex u tiġu l-iskola lebsin maskra.

It-tqassim tal-kotba se jsir hekk (mil-librerija):

  • Year 9 (Kunjom A – N)             fis-16 ta’ Settembru               mit-8:30 sa 12:00
  • Year 9 (Kunjom O – Z)              fl-20 ta’ Settembru                 mit-8:30 sa 12:00
  • Year 10 *                                 fl-14 ta’ Settembru                 mit-8:30 sa 12:00
  • Year 11                                    fit-13 ta’ Settembru                mit-8:30 sa 12:00

(* Il-maġġoranza tal-istudenti tal-Year 10 diġà ġabru l-kotba. B’hekk fl-14 ta’ Settembru, se niġbru l-flus tal-Year 10 u mhux se jitqassmu kotba minħabba li l-librerija se tkun magħluqa. L-aħħar ftit kotba tal-Year 10 se jitqassmu matul l-ewwel ġimgħa tal-iskola).


Intom mitluba sabiex dakinhar tmorru wkoll fl-entratura tal-canteen tal-iskola biex isir il-ħlas bħala kontribuzzjoni għall-fotokopji li se jkollhom uliedkom matul is-sena skolastika 2021/22, għad-djarju u għar-rivista tal-iskola.   Fil-każ tal-istudenti l-ġodda, il-ħlas tal-locker hu ta’ €9.  Importanti li l-flus jitpoġġew f’borża tal-plastik trasparenti.

Qsim tal-Flus
Year 9Year 10Year 11
għal 3 snin
Lockers (€3) ma ntuzawx fl-20-21
€6 Pendenti
Lockers (€3) ma ntuzawx fl-20-21
€3 Pendenti **
Djarju tal-Iskola€5€5€5
Annwal Tal-Iskola€5Ma sarx l-Annwal tal-iskola (€5) fl-20-21 €5 għas-sena 21-22Ma sarx l-Annwal tal-iskola (€5) fl-20-21 €5 għas-sena 21-22
Total€44€35 – €8 = €27€35 – €8 = €27

**€3 se jintużaw biex jittieħdu ritratti tal-farewell


Studenti tal-Year 9 u studenti li huma ġodda fl-iskola

Dakinhar li jinġabru l-kotba, mitluba ġġibu magħkom il-formoli li rċivejtu mimlija u tagħtuhom ukoll lis-segretarji li jkunu ħdejn il-canteen tal-iskola.  Araw li d-dettalji li hemm fl-Information Sheet huma tajbin u mlew fejn hemm nieqes. Importanti li d-dettalji jimtlew kollha speċjalment l-indirizz elettroniku (email) u n-numru tal-mowbajl sabiex intom ikollkom aċċess għal kull informazzjoni fuq it-tfal tagħkom.

Studenti tal-Year 10 u 11

Diġà bgħatnilkom email/announcment minn fuq MySchool, fejn għidnielkom biex tagħtuna l-aħħar dettalji biex inkunu nistgħu nagħmlu kuntatt magħkom. Jekk għadkom ma bgħattulniex din l-informazzjoni, inħeġġukom tagħmlu dan billi tagħfsu l-ħolqa t’hawn isfel.


Laqgħat Onlajn

Minħabba s-sitwazzjoni tal-Covid-19, din is-sena, il-laqgħa introduttorja li normalment nagħmlu se terġa’ ssir onlajn.

Laqgħa tal-Year 9s                              fit-22 ta’ Settembru                mill-17:30 sas-18:30

Laqgħa tal-Year 10s u 11s                   fit-23 ta’ Settembru                mill-17:30 sas-18:30

Infakkarkom li dawn il-laqgħat se jsiru fuq MS Teams. Sadanittant inħeġġiġkom biex tingħaqdu fit-Tim tal-ġenituri/kustodji fuq MS Teams billi tagħfsu din il-ħolqa t’hawn isfel. Tistgħu tirreġistraw jew bl-email personali tagħkom jew inkella bl-email tal-iLearn ta’ wliedkom.


Nissuġġerilkom ukoll biex tidħlu fis-sit tal-iskola u biex tissieħbu fuq is-siti soċjali tagħna. B’dan il-mod tibqgħu aġġornati x’inhu jiġri fl-iskola ta’ wliedkom.

Sit tal-Iskola:   https://kulleggsanbenedittuss.com/

Facebook:       https://www.facebook.com/groups/benedittusocial

Instagram:       https://www.instagram.com/benedittu_sec/

Twitter:           https://twitter.com/benedittu

Youtube:            https://www.youtube.com/c/KulleggSanBenedittuSkolaSekondarjaKirkop

Inħares ’il quddiem sabiex naħdmu flimkien. Jekk ikollkom bżonn titkellmu miegħi nitlobkom iċċemplu l-iskola biex tagħmlu appuntament.

Grazzi tal-koperazzjoni tagħkom.

Is-Sur A. Galea
Kap tal-Iskola

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