‘Together for a Better Life Online’ Art Competition
This morning, our Year 9 and 10 Art option students received a certificate of participation. A special thanks go to ...
Christmas Market 2021
The Christmas Market is going to be organised between Tuesday 14th December and Monday 20th December. You can find more ...
Car Wash Event
Today's car wash was a huge success, a big thanks to everyone who gave us so much help Georgina CiantarRobert ...
Premju Ġwanni XXIII għat-Tjubija 2021
Studenta ppremjata talli tgħin oħra li għandha sfidi ta’ komunikazzjoni (Mill-websajt tat-TVM...) Kylie Grech, studenta ta’ 11-il sena li tattendi ...
Malta STEM Award for Professional Development
Dear all, Just to let you know that last Monday, we were awarded the Malta STEM Award for Professional Development ...
Another Embellishment Project
Another embellishment project entrusted to our "PTI Achieve" students....Stencilled blocks, instead of the traditional coffee tables, have been placed in ...
PTI Achieve Malta Project Awards 2021
Another day another winner.....this time we would like to congratulate the success of St Benedict College Secondary School Kirkop which, ...
Celebrating Our Students Success (Term 3)
What better way to end the full days than to celebrate the success of our students! Mathematics Activities for the ...
“SYNERGY” A Collaborative Mural
"SYNERGY" is a collaborative mural by our Year 10, PTI Achieve, students. The message behind this work is that the ...
Our Year 11s donated €500 to the Youth Alive Foundation
Joy Gafa', a year 11 student representative, presented a donation of €500 to the Youth Alive Foundation. The money was ...
“Meeting” Ann Frank – Book donated to the school by Joy Gafa
Our talented, diligent and prolific student, Joy Gafa visited our school to donate a copy of the book - "Meeting" Ann ...
Żjara mill-Ministru tal-Edukazzjoni
Għadd ta’ studenti qed jagħżlu li jitgħallmu suġġetti vokazzjonali biex jidħlu fid-dinja tax-xogħol. Bil-għan li dawn l-istudenti jkollhom l-għodda meħtieġa ...
Young Parliamentarians 2021
Il-Ġimgħa 30 t’April 2021, l-iskola tagħna, irrappreżentata minn 4 studenti tal-10 sena, ħadet sehem fil-Young Parliamentarians, dibattiti online kontra kulleġġi ...
Celebrating Our Students Success
What better way to end the week than to celebrate the success of our students! Student of the Term (Jan ...
The feast of Our Lady of Sorrows
Today, we celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. Our students will hear mass during the first lesson. I ...
Attività mill-iskola Sekondarja tal-Kulleġġ San Benedittu biex tixpruna aktar il-valur tal-altruwiżmu
Inizjattiva ħelwa li ħadu l-istudenti u l-istaff tal-iskola Sekondarja tal-Kulleġġ San Benedittu, għenet finanzjarjament is-sitwazzjoni f’diversi santwarji li jieħdu ħsieb ...
L-Impenn Filantropiku tal-Kulleġġ San Benedittu, Skola Sekondarja, Kirkop
L-iskola Sekondarja fi ħdan il-Kulleġġ San Benedittu, f’Ħal Kirkop, għal darb’oħra wriet l-impenn filantropiku tagħha billi din id-darba ppreżentat is-somma ...
Appell Mill-Istudenti Tal-Iskola Sekondarja Ta’ San Benedittu
Vox pop interessanti mill-istudenti għall-istudenti u l-ġenituri tagħhom. L-istudenti li qed jattentu l-iskola qed jagħrfu l-ħtieġa li wieħed jattendi, jitgħallem ...
St Benedict College Secondary, Kirkop raises €1,228 for Hospice Malta
Notwithstanding all the restrictions caused by the Covid pandemic, St Benedict College Secondary, Kirkop has adhered to its philanthropic ideals ...
Black and Red Casual Day
On Friday 12th February, we organized the Black and Red Casual Day. Donations were collected in aid of 'Smiling with ...
Carnival Mask Competition 2021
Traditional, Venetian, Scary, Funny, African...create your carnival mask using any material and style you want! There will be prices for ...
The Supertmatik competition has now been well established in the calendar of the Mathematics department of our school. This international ...