Year 11 (Friday 30th April – Friday 21st May 2021)

Punti Importanti fuq il-lezzjonijiet onlajn tal-Year 11s:

Matul dawn il-ġranet li ġejjin, l-istudenti se jkunu qed jingħataw is-sapport u l-għajnuna meħtieġa.

Importanti ħafna li l-istudenti jibqgħu jżommu kuntatt mal-għalliema tagħhom fuq MS Teams. Dan is-sapport jista’ jingħata bħala lezzjoni onlajn jew kummenti fuq chat / email.

F’każ ta’ lezzjonijiet onlajn, se nżżommu mal-ġranet u mal-ħinijiet tal-lezzjoni skont it-timetable.

F’każ ta’ Teams chat / email, dawn għandhom isiru waqt il-ħin tal-iskola.

Studenti li għandhom LSE, huma mħeġġa li jżommu kuntatt regolari magħhom.

F’każ ta’ diffikulta’ tiddejqux tkellmuna.

Important points re Online lessons for Year 11:

All students are going to be given the necessary support and help throughout the next few weeks.

It is imperative that students remain in contact with their respective teachers through MS Teams. Such support can be in the form of an online lesson, chat or email.

When a teacher opts for an online lesson, s/he will be adhering to his/her timetable.

Any other form of communication will take place during school hours.

Students supported by an LSE are urged to keep in regular contact with them.

In case of difficulties, do not hesitate to contact us.

The School Administration