Għeżież Ġenituri/Kustodji,
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Nixtiequ nfakkrukom li f’dawn il-ġranet li ġejjin ser issir il-Controlled assessment fl-iskola tagħna tas-suġġetti vokazzjonali, hekk kif indikat f’din it-tabella t’hawn taħt:
A gentle reminder that on the following days, the Controlled assessment is going to be held for all vocational subjects, as follows:

L-istudenti tad-disgħa sena / Year 9 Students:
Dakinhar tal-eżami, l-istudenti li għandhom dawn is-suġġetti huma mitluba li fit-tielet lezzjoni jinġabru fil-bitħa fejn il-librerija tal-iskola biex jieħdu brejk qasir u wara jibdew l-eżami. Qabel u wara l-eżami, l-istudenti ser ikollhom il-lezzjonijiet normali bħas-soltu.
On the day, students who study one of these vocational subjects should gather in the court next to the school’s library during the 3rd lesson to take a short break and then, proceed in the hall for their exam. Before and after such exam, lessons are held as usual.
L-istudenti tal-għaxar sena / Year 10 Students:
Dakinhar tal-eżami, l-istudenti li għandhom dawn is-suġġetti huma mitluba li fit-tielet lezzjoni jinġabru fil-foyer tas-sala tal-iskola biex jieħdu brejk qasir u wara jibdew l-eżami. Qabel u wara l-eżami, l-istudenti ser ikollhom il-lezzjonijiet normali bħas-soltu.
On the day, students who study one of these vocational subjects should gather in the school hall’s foyer during the 3rd lesson to take a short break and then, proceed for their exam. Before and after such exam, lessons are held as usual.
L-istudenti tal-Ħdax-il sena / Year 11 Students:
Dakinhar tal-eżami, l-istudenti huma mitluba li jinġabru quddiem is-sala tal-iskola fejn hemm il-parking area. L-istudenti jridu jkunu fil-ħin u lebsin it-tracksuit tal-iskola. Wara l-eżami, l-istudenti jistgħu imorru d-dar u għalhekk il-ġenituri/kustodji huma mitluba li jiġbru lill-uliedhom. L-eżami jispiċċa fil-ħdax u nofs.
On the day, students should gather, on time, in the parking area of the school hall. Students should wear the school’s tracksuit. The exam finishes at 11:30, as students are allowed to go by walk or picked by a parent/guardian after the exam.
Grazzi tal-kooperazzjoni tagħkhom.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Attention Year 9, 10 and 11 VET students:
As part of their studies related to the vocational subjects, students are required to sit for a controlled assessment which is issued by MATSEC. These will take place at school according to the information given in the table below. These controlled assessments will be in the form of an examination starting at 10am and finishing at 11.30am.
Bħala parti mix-xogħol tagħhom fis-suġġetti vokazzjonali, l-istudenti jridu jpoġġu għalcontrolled assessment li hu maħruġ mil-MATSEC u ser issir fl-iskola stess f’dawn il-ġranet hekk imsemmija hawn taħt skond is-suġġett. Dan it-tip t’assessjar ser jieħu xejra ta’ eżami li ser jibda fl-għaxra ta’ filgħodu u jispiċċa fil-ħdax u nofs.

The School Administration