We’re thrilled to share our recently acquired award, celebrated by our students from classes 9.2 and 9.4, who have just embarked on two exciting new eTwinning projects.
A few weeks ago, our school was chosen from among 4,485 educational institutions to receive the prestigious eTwinning Schools Label. We’ve been recognized as a model for other schools at the European level.
Our qualification for this honour came after securing National Quality Labels in our projects. Earning the School Quality Label signifies our commitment as a unified school community to:
- Shared leadership
- Collaboration, sharing, and teamwork
- Empowering our students to be agents of change
- Fostering inclusivity and innovation in our learning environment
A heartfelt thanks goes out to all of our dedicated educators, Head of College Network, Head of School, School SLT and HoDs, our hardworking educators, parents and caregivers, and all the external entities that support our mission and initiatives.
We’re truly grateful for this achievement, and we look forward to continuing our journey of educational excellence! #eTwinningSchoolsLabel #eTwinningmalta #eTwinningeurope

E-Safety Online School Policy
Online meet-up: eTwinning Project Effective Use of Tech for eTwinning Day 9th May 2024
As part of our eTwinning Project Effective Use of Tech students of 9.4 along with our Head of School, during PSCD this morning connected online via Teams with students from Bulgaria and Greece.
This online get-together followed a series of other collaborative activities during the year, where students learnt about communication skills and constructive ways of using technology.
During the live meeting, students asked each other about national traditions, food and football and they went on to share their insights about their favourite apps and devices.
Students got also to play a Kahoot Quiz, with the other students from other schools about Europe Day and eTwinning Day, which we celebrate them on this day, 9th May!
Well done to our students for the great team spirit they showed during this activity.
Happy eTwinning Day from us all to you!

Online meet-up: eTwinning Project eTwinning project: Stop, Think, Reflect, then…Act! for eTwinning Day 9th May 2024
Another group of students from 9.2, project partners of the eTwinning project: Stop, Think, Reflect, then…Act! during their PSCD lessons met online with other partners from: Bulgaria, Italy, Greece, Portugal & Slovenia.
During this meeting students asked each other questions about their schools, traditions and countries as they got to know each other further. They went on to sharing their good-well being practices together. They realised that they had many differences but a lot in common as regards to their past times! They also shared their love for the Eurovision Song Contest which is happening this week, promising each other, that they will all be watching it, from different locations but together!
Finally, they also had a go at the Europe Day & eTwinning Day Quiz where they worked really well together.
We are so very proud of our students who were so enthusiastic and collaborative with their European partners….in the spirit of eTwinning.
Happy eTwinning Day from this team too!

Using the Friendship Cards as collaborative tool for our project Stop, think, reflect, then..Act!
(April 2024)
Over the past few months we have been collaborating with my eTwinning partners via a project called Stop, think, reflect, then..Act. Thanks to Mr Julian Sant Fournier for helping us with this venture by providing the cards to our partners, whilst I provided the training. Thanks also to our Head of School for all the support throughout the journey.
This is the first of the activities that the students participated in, which was about Mindfulness and thinking about new years’ resolution. I wrote a scripted fantasy story which students followed through.
Each of the eTwinning partners, had to work on this situation and later we worked on mixed nationality collaborative posters, following the activity.
EU Code Week Certificates
(23rd May, 2024)
This morning, students participating in two eTwinning Projects – Effective Use of Tech (9.4) and Stop, Think, Reflect, then…Act! had a mini surprise celebration in class for being awarded EU Code Week Certificates.
During PSCD, both groups learnt about the importance of coding in our fast developing world and came up with innovative ideas which could improve well being of different sectors of our community.
Well done to our creative and enthusiastic students!

(31st Oct 23)
Students of Year 9.2 as part of their work in the eTwinning project called Stop, think, plan, then…Act had to work together collaboratively to create a photo with a slogan that represents one of the themes of the project. Slogan, set up, ideas…everything is their work.
They are all wearing their house bands, to show what houses can do together.
Well done…we’re very proud of what you’ve managed to come up with.

Safer Internet Day February 2023
During this morning’s special assembly, we spoke about Internet Safety Day which happens to be celebrated tomorrow 7th February. The school has its own eSafety policy which was drawn up to protect students, staff and other stakeholders. During PSCD and ICT lessons, students are also being taught skills about internet safety. As part of this campaign, students from 9.1 who are involved in the eTwinning project Harbourers of the Sea, were awarded European Code Week Certificates of Participation for their contribution, whereby they came up with pro-active ideas of how to use various technological tools to preserve our marine environment.
Internet is such a wonderful tool, when used appropriately. Let’s all be mindful and together unite for a Safer Internet for Us all.

May 2023
Happy eTwinning Day from all of us: Harbourers of the Sea Maltese Partners, Ms Melanie Cini eTwinning Ambassador, Ms Lorraine Caruana our Erasmus+ Co-ordinator, Mr Saviour Agius Head of School! We had special eTwinning cookies baked for the occasion.