Apart from developing their artistic skills through the use of different artistic media, Art Students acquire insights about the surrounding environment in terms of culture, nature and its social realities! The artistic process provides them with open-ended opportunities through which they explore a variety of themes in accordance with their observational and imaginary intentions. Furthermore, they also delve deep into different artistic periods by means of reproductions portraying works by artists from various movements. In terms of genres, students develop their observational techniques through the interpretation of still-life, landscape and the human form.

Amongst the fundamental concepts that constitute the dynamics of visual form, students come across elements such as: line, shape, form, tone and textures. These are then reflected in their works through their sensitivity towards proportions, compositional arrangements, balance, textures as well as the interplay between light and shade. Having gained substantial awareness about the use of these visual elements, students are then encouraged to embark on thematic projects with the intent of developing their creative intentions in a versatile and personalized way.

Students are required to produce a portfolio containing a series of works executed in different media and related techniques. Besides, they will have to depict different subject matters through the process of investigation, documentation, experimentation and realization. These four steps enable students to develop their ideas in a structured framework with each phase paving the way to the next. The use of the sketchbook for Preliminary studies along with sketches in the spirit of a particular artistic movement, sustained by further experimental techniques in accordance with one’s intents, will typically lead to the realization of concrete works of art with meaningful messages. Students are constantly encouraged to practice at home in order to gain more skills and personalize techniques through their unique expressive manner.
Art Department