Notwithstanding all the restrictions caused by the Covid pandemic, St Benedict College Secondary, Kirkop has adhered to its philanthropic ideals. Two casual days were held during the months of October and November to raise awareness re Pink October and Movember. Members of staff and students alike were free to donate any amount of money they wanted to. The sum raised was that of €1228.21. The Head of school, Mr Adrian Galea, presented these funds to Mr Kenneth Delia, CEO of Hospice Malta. Mr Delia thanked all those involved for taking the initiative to raise the money in aid of a project that Hospice Malta has just undertaken. Works are already underway to build St Michael Hospice, the completion of which will cost around twelve million euros. This new building will hold extensive facilities and as a result, the services offered by Hospice Malta since 1989 will increase. Mr Galea expressed his best wishes that on completion of this project by the end of next year, Hospice Malta will be in a better position to help more patients suffering from serious illnesses.
Minkejja li l-pandemija ġabet ħafna restrizzjonijiet magħha, il-Kulleġġ San Benedittu Skola Sekondarja Kirkop, dejjem żamm l-għan filantropiku fuq quddiem fl-aġenda tal-iskola. F’Ottubru u Novembru saru żewġ casual days marbuta ma’ Pink October u Movember. L-istaff u l-istudenti kienu liberi jagħtu donazzjoni u dan wassal sabiex inġabret is-somma sabiħa ta’ €1228.21. Din is-somma ġiet ippreżentata mis-Sur Adrian Galea, is-surmast tal-iskola, lis-Sur Kenneth Delia, is-CEO tal-Hospice Malta. Is-Sur Delia rringrazzja ħafna lill-iskola tal-impenn tagħha u spjega kif din is-somma sabiħa ser tkun qed tgħin għal proġett ambizzjuż li bħalissa beda x-xogħol fuqu u huwa stmat li ser jiġi jiswa ’l fuq minn tnax-il miljun ewro. St Michael Hospice huwa proġett kbir li ser ikun qed ikabbar il-faċilitajiet u s-servizzi diġà offruti mill-Hospice Malta sa mill-1989. Is-Sur Galea awgura lill-Hospice Malta li dan il-proġett li hu maħsub li jitlesta lejn l-aħħar tas-sena d-dieħla, isaħħaħ is-servizzi u l-kontribut li dejjem tat lil pazjenti ta’ mard serju.