After having identified the common problem for our schools (the low level of many students regarding the literacy skills), we went to the next steps: analysis solutions, determining the scope and objectives of the partnership, the analysis of the capacity of schools to implement the project (by developing a SWOT analysis), identification of risks and their management strategies, establish desired outcomes, impact identification, dissemination and exploitation strategy development and monitoring and evaluation strategy, establishing the plan of activities and allocation of responsibilities and roles.
The target groups for the implementation of project activities are the teachers and students aged 11 to 17. The purpose of the project is to value the literacy potential as a personal and consolidation development instrument of the key transversal skills needed for lifelong learning. Objectives of our partnership: -develop pupils skills in literacy (reading, writing, speaking and listening) and of the transversal key competences (critical thinking, attitude networking, communication and collaboration with others, communication and English language, learning to learn, spirit initiative)-reading capitalization strategies for developing literacy skills in students and encourage reading for pleasure among students-developing teachers’ knowledge and skills in the design and organization of activities and lessons that help develop among students transversal key competences and skills in literacy-promoting the exchange of innovative practices and experiences between European schools through the development of teaching materials based on strategies for reading, writing and speaking.