A success story in the midst of all the successes for our school. We started off with low key performance in the school foyer. It was La Divinda Commedia, but it was certainly not written by Dante. It was a performance given by a group of teachers to have fun and to entertain the students and a few guests. But year after year except for two times when the pantomime was not held due to pandemics, the pantomime has always continued to grow in stature and in quality.
The pantomime of St Benedict College has become sought after by many and there has always been a positive response from the audiences. Many are surprised because when they come to see a pantomime staged by Benedittu Productions they do not expect to see a production of such a high level that is on the same lines as those already established nationwide. It’s safe to say that for the past few years audiences have been reaching 5,000 persons a year.
And where didn’t our adventures take us? With the four winds of the earth, in the sky and on the seabed as well. Various characters: whimsical, unlucky, naughty, joking and cheerful; we cannot fail to mention the Dame who is the most sought after character in each production. And what about the scenario and props? The art teachers together with some other members of staff work relentlessly on these. Colourful costumes, wonderful choreography and no-holds-barred jokes and laughter. All these take a long time to prepare. Apart from the fact that a group of teachers would have been working on the script for many months ahead, both students and teachers start preparing for at least three months beforehand in order to come up with the best performance ever.
It is very satisfying when you have a popular personality in the field of drama like Veronica Farrugia in the audience and she comments: “Good actors, beautiful costumes. I was impressed with the scenarios between the scenes. There was also a sense of joy and togetherness that shows that all the participants gave their all. I definitely won’t miss next year’s!”
All of this fills us with the courage to keep looking ahead and to offer more entertaining shows as only Benedittu Productions can come up with.
Mr K. Scicluna