Since the opening of the school, back in 2005, drama has been an integral part of the school calendar. It has always been given the importance it deserves because through drama students can showcase their skills and express themselves away from the academic framework.
In the beginning, it had to start off from scratch but thanks to the hard work and input of many members of the staff including the SMT, and teachers along with the great enthusiasm of the students and the support of their parents/guardians, has led the school to establish a name for itself in the field of drama among other things.
The building of the theatre itself was undoubtedly a great step forward. Every headmaster who has been in charge of the school has always invested heavily in its set up and maintenance and nowadays we can say that we have one of the most beautiful and best-equipped theatres in the south of Malta.
Hence the choice of the name Benedittu Productions highlights its identity. The best thing about Benedittu Productions is that due to the guidance of the teachers, the students are always at the centre of every activity or production stage. It is noteworthy that former students still contribute to the productions up to this day.
Students who take part in performances staged by Benedittu Productions are also presented with a certificate in Performing Arts by MCAST after they have followed a course as part of the partnership project between our school and MCAST. This course is based on the three pillars of the Performing Arts namely, movement, music and drama.
We are proud of the fact that due to these productions, the school has brought thousands of people to our theatre who have enjoyed themselves, appreciated our productions and also contributed to helping out various entities for which thousands of euros have been raised over the years. This is part of the ongoing philanthropic initiatives that our school has always adhered to. We hope that as in previous years, Benedittu Productions will continue to go from strength to strength and put up more pantomimes, musicals, plays, festivals and other high-level productions.
Mr K. Scicluna